Friday, November 9, 2007


Jackson loves being outside, so we spend a good portion of the afternoons I'm home with him outside. I think he has figured out what outside means, because I asked him if he wanted to go outside and he went and got his shoes. :)

What is up with the rainbow in this picture?

He had a good time picking up leaves.

We visited Maggie in the backyard. Jackson just loves her.

Oh and thanks to Aunt Julie and Uncle Jerry for the cute hat - it fits perfectly this year, and is so cute! Plus, he left it on, which must mean he loves it. Or he understood when I threatened him w/ returning inside if he didn't keep his hat on.


Anonymous said...

He was trying to get his hat off because it was on backwards. Beth gets an "A" for effort and a "C" for attention to detail.

Beth said...

I hate you.

Quit using our child's blog to try and rile me up.