Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, because we certainly did! It was great to see our families and to be able to spend some time with them. On Wednesday, we went to New Albany, and stayed until after we ate on Thursday. We drove back to the Indianapolis area after we ate, and then got to eat again with Jeff's family.

Here's the set up at my mom and dad's house - notice the lovely pumpkin placecards (courtesy of me!):

A close up of a place setting:

Jackson and his gammy at the top of the steps to the basement:

Jackson, thinking I take his picture too much.

Jackson, growling at us, which is his new favorite activity.

Jackson, and his cousin, Garrett, playing with his school bus:

The bunny Jackson, Garrett, and Leanna:


Mrs. Morgan said...

Wow, you are one Martha Stewart w/ those place cards! Those are awesome. :) Looks like Jackson had a great day!

Stephanie said...

Great table and love the pictures of little boy Jackson!

He's looking so grown up!

Erica said...

Wow! What a spread! I can't believe you had time to make those pumpkins, Martha. :)

Love the pics of J. He's adorable!!

Samantha Uphold said...

Beth!!! I can't believe how big he is getting! I love all of your photos, and especially the ones of him in the hats. Too cute!