Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Fun

As most of you probably know, Memorial Day weekend in Indy means the Indy 500, but because I have about zero interest in watching cars go around a race track (unless we could be up in the suites where there is free alcohol), we were just glad the weather was nice so we could play outside all weekend! Yesterday we went to the park, and today we hung out at home and played outside. We also went over to Jerry & Judy's for a cook out, and Jackson's Aunt Jenny was there, too!

Of course, while we were playing outside, I had to take some pictures of Jackson and his holiday appropriate attire!

He's an American All-star:

One of his favorite expressions - he always throws his hands up as if to say, "what? I'm not doing anything wrong!"

Jackson really enjoys sticking his head through this fence. He does it at least 5 times every time we pass it on walks, so today I captured his love for it on film.

Jackson is also a fan of bubbles, but I think his new bubble machine confuses him at times.

Bubbles, Jackson with a serious face, and my jeans.

Bye everyone! Have a great holiday weekend!

Seriously, see ya!

We hope everyone is having lovely weather and a great long weekend! We certainly are!


Courtney said...

He is so stinking cute! I love his outfit, too!!

Happy Memorial Day!!

Anonymous said...

how cute are his pants?!

and you are looking hawt in that reflection picture!

Mrs. Morgan said...

Happy Memorial Day! What cute pictures.