Saturday, March 10, 2007

Month One!

It's pretty difficult to remember his first month at this point. I'm pretty sure we were sleep deprived. Our first few days home weren't too bad, once we discovered that we needed to formula feed him. He hadn't had any wet or dirty diapers in quite awhile, so it seemed like the best way to go. Almost immediately following his first bottle of formula, we had success! A wet diaper! Then a poopy diaper! YAY! Who knew we'd be so excited for diapers.

Jackson, like most babies was a pretty good sleeper initially. He mainly woke up to eat, and he would sleep in his moses basket or his pack n' play in our room. He was a noisy sleeper, though! Always grunting. It was tough to sleep in the room with him, so we moved him to his crib when he was 2 weeks old. That was better, and he did fine sleeping in there. We mostly used his moses basket for naps, and once he grew out of that, he slept on me for naps and eventually in his crib.

The first month was mostly a blur, but at the end of the month, the day before he turned 1 month old, he smiled for the first time!

Here's a link to the pictures from his first month home.

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