Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Some of you may remember that last year Jackson wore some sweet shamrock glasses on St. Patrick's Day. Jeff said it was child abuse to make him wear them. Well I kept them anyway, and here are some pictures of Jackson enjoying his St. Patrick's Day sunglasses for the second year in a row! I've mentioned he likes accessories, right? Oh and don't mind the drool on his shirt, or the slightly runny nose.

As you can see from the pictures, Jackson is feeling a little better. He had croup last week, caught from Germboree, no doubt, because some parents seem to think the rest of us take our kids to Gymboree classes to get sick. NO, we take them for the great music. Ok, not that either. I take Jackson because he loves it, and he likes being around other kids.


Anonymous said...

Germboree...ha ha *snork*. That's a good one! It drives me *NUTS* when other parents think it's ok to take their kids somewhere when they're really sick. I mean a little runny nose is ok provided it's not accompanied by a hacking great cough or fever or worse. Bubby used to go to a great play group 3x a week back in our old suburb, but some of the mums who worked used to drop their sick kids off - complete with their antibiotics to be dosed out! I remember thinking that those moms weren't even that cash strapped that they needed to work - they just wanted to - and leave the care of their kids to someone else...GRRRRR. I would *never* have sent the bubby to group if he was still on meds! Hope your little guy is better soon btw - croup is awful, we've done many rounds with it :)

Courtney said...

UGH is all I have to say about Germboree. Double-ugh. The best is when the mom stands there and says "Yeah, little baby x had the stomach bug that is going around yesterday, thank GOODNESS we were able to get out of the house today!"

Um. NO. GO HOME. Or stay, because it's too son is now going to be sick, too. Thanks.

Mrs. Morgan said...

Hope he is feeling better! Love the St. Patty's glasses, he pulls them off well! :)

Erica said...

OMG - too cute! :) I hope Jackson is feeling better.