Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Jackson is 7 months old today!

These were the only two pictures he'd let me take today. He kept running away! Silly boy. He's so busy these days, and is pulling up everywhere. Every day I go in to his room to get him up and he's standing there waiting. He's also jabbering non-stop, with his favorite sound being "babababababbaba". It's too cute! And, he's been eating like such a big boy. Today he had his first green veggie (green beans), and he ate it all. He hasn't refused anything yet! We'll try peas on Friday, and after that, we'll have tried all of the "stage one" foods. I can't believe he's 7 months old!

1 comment:

Catie said...

Wow, 7 months! He's still a total cutie, of course!!! So, he's eating the green stuff? I remember you once saying that you don't eat anything green - Obviously, he does!!! Way to go Jackson!